First Winter Trip

BAS has a tradition of sending Winterers on their Winter Trips. Each Winterer gets a chance to participate in two of those —  one at the beginning of the Winter season, shortly after the ship’s final call, which is typically five days long, and then again at the other end of the Winter, for the second trip, which typically is seven days long. 

Last week we had the first round of Winter Trips and it was my turn to go, along with Al our Field GA (General Assistant — a rather boring title for what must be the coolest job of all, the Guide), and with a colleague of mine from the Science Team, Octavian. 

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NASA Barrel Balloons

While being here and having fun is a realisation of my life long dream, the main reason Halley Station exists is to do some Very Important Science.

One of the projects that’s currently running at Halley is the Barrel project. BARREL is a very fancy acronym for Balloon Array for Radiation-belt Relativistic Electron Losses, which is a project funded by NASA and which is running out of Halley VI and also the South African Antarctic Station SANAE IV.

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Interview / Wywiad – Cambridge105


Just another quick one. I meant to upload this to the blog earlier, but simply kept forgetting.

I was invited to give an interview in the local Radio station – the radio show is called Polish Waves and was aired on Cambridge 105 on 10th of November 2013. You can listen to the show by clicking play below.


Taka krótka notka – miałem już o tym napisać wczesniej, ale kompletnie wyleciało mi to z głowy.

Zostałem zaproszony do udzielenia wywiadu w lokalnej rozgłośni radiowej. Program nazywa się Polish Waves (Polskie Fale) i został nadany przez Cambridge 105 10 listopada 2013. Możecie go posłuchać klikając play poniżej.

Not long now

Hi Boys and Girls!

With only 10 days remaining until my deployment to Antarctica via Cape Town, I thought it’s time for another post. I know I haven’t been keeping the blog as up to date as I’d hoped – there’s a lot going on right now and if anything, there’s too much to write about and so it’s difficult to sit down and do it! On the other hand, I keep thinking that all the stuff I’ve written here so far is the same shit over and over again… but this is all about to change!

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Antarctic Pre-Deployment Conference and Field Course

Hey there again!

I know I let the blog updating slip a bit over the last while – it’s not that there’s nothing to write about, it’s just that there’s so much stuff going on it’s hard to keep up!

I’ve just come back from almost two-weeks long intensive pre-deployment training called The Conference, held as usual in Girton College for the first part, and in the Peak District for the second part.

The first impressions: I’m dog tired, I’m all psyched up to go, I’ve made a lot of new friends and I got a cold… but fuck, what a ride!

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