This gallery contains 96 photos.
This is a long overdue May Update from Halley. It is unbelievable how quickly the time goes here. Days feel like seconds and weeks feel like hours!
This gallery contains 96 photos.
This is a long overdue May Update from Halley. It is unbelievable how quickly the time goes here. Days feel like seconds and weeks feel like hours!
This gallery contains 72 photos.
Time flies when you’re having fun! It feels like I’ve only just published the last article and yet a whole month has gone by! Here’s the April Update from Halley for your reading pleasure.
A couple of days ago, a friend of mine, Conor, who now teaches the MYP1 Science Class in the Children’s International School in Fredrikstad, Norway, got in touch with me and asked if his students could ask me a few questions about my experience here in Antarctica. Have a look at the video they recorded, as well as my answers to their questions after the break! Continue reading
This gallery contains 45 photos.
It seems like after several weeks of not much happening on this blog, suddenly there’s a flood of updates. I do want to share more pictures with you guys, and as some of the events I photographed refer to particular … Continue reading
This gallery contains 48 photos.
Shortly after the departure of the RRS Ernest Shackleton, the first winter trip kicked off. I was lucky to go as the second group (called Sledge Bravo), consisting of Mat the Field Guide and myself, and we went to where the … Continue reading
It has been a few weeks since the last update of this blog, again! I’ve not abandoned it though, it’s just that so much has been going on, I really had very little time. Continue reading
This gallery contains 59 photos.
It seems like on one hand I’ve only arrived here yesterday, and on the other I’ve been here for ages. It’s been around six weeks since we landed on the Ice Shelf and we have another five to six weeks … Continue reading
This gallery contains 21 photos.
Last week has been quite busy here at Halley. All of us new Winterers have started our handovers – we only have about 10 weeks to pick up everything from people we’re replacing, after which time we need to be … Continue reading
Proejct Antarctica366 has started and is now live!
Today I’d like to officially announce the birth of my new, self-inflicted, photography project, which I very affectionately called Project Antarctica 366.