This gallery contains 45 photos.
After 14 months, my time at Halley has come to an end and I have just started my slow journey back to the outside world. First stop: Rothera!
This gallery contains 45 photos.
After 14 months, my time at Halley has come to an end and I have just started my slow journey back to the outside world. First stop: Rothera!
This gallery contains 22 photos.
Two biggest potential headaches we anticipated in relation to the Halley Relocation to the new site have been the Link Bridge and the A Module moves. The bridge move has been completed successfully a couple of days ago and it’s … Continue reading
This gallery contains 10 photos.
As you may already know, this season marks the start of the project to relocate Halley VI station 24 km east of its current position due to a crack which started opening up in the Brunt Ice Shelf in 2013-2014. … Continue reading
This gallery contains 8 photos.
The Halley Science Team consists of four people: two Electronics Engineers, an Atmospheric Scientist and the Data Manager. As most of the experiments at Halley use electronic instruments to record data, the two Electronics Engineers are invaluable members of the … Continue reading
I have recently spent some time taking panoramic pictures of the Halley Interior – you may have seen some of those in the Antarctica366 Project gallery. There is a reason for all this – find out more after the break!
This gallery contains 70 photos.
It’s now the second half of July and it’s really downhill from now. We’re just about three weeks from the first sunrise and just over a month past the Midwinter Day.
It has been a few weeks since the last update of this blog, again! I’ve not abandoned it though, it’s just that so much has been going on, I really had very little time. Continue reading
This gallery contains 59 photos.
It seems like on one hand I’ve only arrived here yesterday, and on the other I’ve been here for ages. It’s been around six weeks since we landed on the Ice Shelf and we have another five to six weeks … Continue reading
This gallery contains 21 photos.
Last week has been quite busy here at Halley. All of us new Winterers have started our handovers – we only have about 10 weeks to pick up everything from people we’re replacing, after which time we need to be … Continue reading
This gallery contains 8 photos.
As you guys may know, Halley Research Station is the most isolated BAS base. Our two closest neighbours are the Argentine Belgrano Station, 650km to the west, and the German Neumayer Station, 790km to the east. Halley, in contrast to … Continue reading