This gallery contains 3 photos.
Following up on the success of the Halley Station 360° Virtual Tour, I’d like to present to you another sphere. For a change, I’ve taken this one outside – just a few weeks ago.
This gallery contains 3 photos.
Following up on the success of the Halley Station 360° Virtual Tour, I’d like to present to you another sphere. For a change, I’ve taken this one outside – just a few weeks ago.
This gallery contains 45 photos.
It seems like after several weeks of not much happening on this blog, suddenly there’s a flood of updates. I do want to share more pictures with you guys, and as some of the events I photographed refer to particular … Continue reading
This gallery contains 59 photos.
It seems like on one hand I’ve only arrived here yesterday, and on the other I’ve been here for ages. It’s been around six weeks since we landed on the Ice Shelf and we have another five to six weeks … Continue reading
Proejct Antarctica366 has started and is now live!
Today I’d like to officially announce the birth of my new, self-inflicted, photography project, which I very affectionately called Project Antarctica 366.
This gallery contains 4 photos.
The last couple of weeks were really hectic here at Halley, with the ships first call and the following relief operation, the start of handovers and some more flying!
This gallery contains 27 photos.
The weather here has been really nice to us for the last week or so: -10°C, blue skies and next to no wind. The summer is definitely coming! And taking advantage of the conditions, we decided to arrange another visit … Continue reading
This gallery contains 3 photos.
One of the more iconic views on any of the BAS expeditions to the Antarctic is a Pyramid Tent, lit up from the inside with a Tilley Lamp, on a back drop of an evening (or early morning) sky.
This gallery contains 5 photos.
This is another late Photo Friday post published on the following Wednesday to confuse all of you! These pictures have, however, been taken on a Friday, so it’s at least partially right this time.
This gallery contains 27 photos.
As it’s been a while since my last Photo Friday article, I’ve got a little gem of a Photo Friday for all of you this week. We went to see the nearby Emperor Penguins Colony last Wednesday, and this is … Continue reading