This gallery contains 45 photos.
After 14 months, my time at Halley has come to an end and I have just started my slow journey back to the outside world. First stop: Rothera!
This gallery contains 45 photos.
After 14 months, my time at Halley has come to an end and I have just started my slow journey back to the outside world. First stop: Rothera!
This gallery contains 22 photos.
Two biggest potential headaches we anticipated in relation to the Halley Relocation to the new site have been the Link Bridge and the A Module moves. The bridge move has been completed successfully a couple of days ago and it’s … Continue reading
This gallery contains 10 photos.
As you may already know, this season marks the start of the project to relocate Halley VI station 24 km east of its current position due to a crack which started opening up in the Brunt Ice Shelf in 2013-2014. … Continue reading
This gallery contains 140 photos.
Playing catch up with the blog, here’s what we’ve been up to in October. This month marks the end of the winter, and an earlier than usual beginning of the summer season, and a lot of things happened!
This gallery contains 78 photos.
There’s a lot going on at Halley at the moment, between longer work days and weeks, lots of recreational activities, new people on base and the final month or so of the Antarctica366 project and as a result this blog … Continue reading
This gallery contains 70 photos.
It’s now the second half of July and it’s really downhill from now. We’re just about three weeks from the first sunrise and just over a month past the Midwinter Day.
This gallery contains 96 photos.
This is a long overdue May Update from Halley. It is unbelievable how quickly the time goes here. Days feel like seconds and weeks feel like hours!
This gallery contains 72 photos.
Time flies when you’re having fun! It feels like I’ve only just published the last article and yet a whole month has gone by! Here’s the April Update from Halley for your reading pleasure.